Everybody sees colours and light and dark differently. My orange is your dark yellow and your blue could be my colour blind shade. However, for the general population, certain shades and certain colours “do” definite things to help or hinder your vision.

Did you know that the human eye sees more different shades of green than any other colour? This means it is advantageous for shooters to dampen down green colours to make other colours, ie the pink, black or orange of a clay, jump out at us. If you look at the image you can see that we shooters would probably benefit from using our dog’s eyes. Why? When we are on the clay ground as the contrast of the black against the white, where we see green, is going to make that target much more visible.

Lens makers for all sports do just that – create coloured lenses to give you better contrast. There are some, the darker, smoke colour ones that are there to help you in bright sunshine. Others, like a lime green to enhance light values in shady or evening conditions.

For most people a standard set of 4 lenses will be quite enough but if you want to take the idea further for your particular needs, I have got to recommend that you head over to this page to see the work that Pilla put into their lenses –  https://pillasport.com/collections/shooting