What Will You Learn?Pauline2020-05-23T07:49:14+00:00
The 3D system
The 3D System is Discover, Distill, Do
You will DISTILL
And you will be able to DO
As soon as you understand that correct placement of your feet is vital to your gun swing, then you are already on your way to a better score. Learn the how and why of foot position with Roger.
Two Eyes or One?
Many clay shooters shut one eye when they shoot; you dont do that playing cricket or tennis, you keep both eyes open. Roger will explain why you might, or might not, use two eyes or one when clay shooting.
Pick Up Points
Where you see the bird first, hold your gun at the start and where you decide to shoot the bird are all major parts of consistency in clay shooting. Proficiency in this gives you the best chance of hitting the clay.
How much Lead?
Lead or forward allowance is a function of the speed, angle and distance of a target. Appreciating how each of the parameters affects the lead is a skill you can learn from a lesson with Roger.
Technical Targets
Course setters dont always beat you with speed or distance; very often they set a really technical, difficult to read target. Learn to recognise and read these to put more kills on the score card.
Target Types
Standard, battue, rabbit, 70mm, 90mm, chondelle, flying rabbit plus the different presentations as well; teal, crosser, dropper, looper. Each need to be understood and mastered to stop you having a bogey target.
Which Choke?
Changing choke is very personal – some believe in it, some dont. But knowing what the thinking behind the different choke sizes is at least allows you to decide what is right for your shooting technique.