A mistake many shooters make is the assumption that because they are right-handed, they have a dominant right eye, or vice versa with their left. This is not always the case.

In order to check for eye dominance, stand straight and point to an object on the other side of the room with your right arm. Close your left eye and if you still see the object at the end of your finger, you are right-eye dominant. If the object has moved, open your left eye and close your right. If the object is still at the end of your finger, you are left-eye dominant.

Another way to do that test is to follow the instructions on the slide below;

To mess up what looked so simple, you can have central vision, where neither eye is ruling the other. Perhaps even worse, floating or cross dominance. This is where your master eye is sometimes your right, sometimes your left, according to what you are looking at, the distance, or the direction that object entered your visual field.

Fixing the problems

The good news is that there are methods to show all types of dominance quite easily. If you are showing some of the more obscure issues there are very useful strategies to cope with them.  These techniques are better demonstrated and discussed person to person as there will be a lot of technical talk.

This is something that every coach or instructor should start with – if they dont, find another coach. You need to know yourself which is why I have shown the tests. Self diagnosis of the left or right is easy but you will need professional help for the others.

I must just add

Eye dominance is not just for non glasses wearers. Prescription lenses sort out your visual clarity not your eye dominance.